Monday, March 17, 2008

Virtual Recruitment Fairs

"THE recruitment fair seems to have gone the way of the dodo, the zeppelin and the space hopper. Its moment seems to have passed," so says The Times on March 16th quoting BT among others who mourn its passing.

"....virtual fairs are steadily gaining ground," says The Times. "The London Business School now teams up with eight of the world’s other leading business schools for an annual two-day internet recruitment extravaganza where 44 recruiters meet more than 1,400 MBA students seeking summer internships and permanent posts."

Meanwhile the virtual assistant is growing in popularity indicating that in future the virtual may be the job choice. The first virtual assistant's fair is due up soon.

"Virtual Assistance, while still mostly unheard of by the general population, is an entrepreneurial career choice not only alive and well, but growing rapidly all over the world. Many of the industry’s leaders, who work tirelessly to increase awareness and educate small and medium sized enterprises (SME’s) on the benefits of collaborating with Virtual Assistants (VAs), will meet in Toronto Canada May 2-4 of this year at the Forum on Virtual Assistance (FoVA). FoVA will be the first event of its kind ever to take place in Canada. "

That's due May 2.

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