Saturday, April 12, 2008

Extended Events and Virtual Worlds

Of course a blog like this is an advocate of extended events and lately we've been talking to people about integrated events where the range of social media tools are brought to bear on an event. What would that look like?

  • A conference would, like Bar Camp, be self-organising, a concept that doesn't have to scare the events industry. Pretty much every area of commerce has been affected by user-generated content and a conference should not be immune.
  • A group blog so that speakers at an event can begin communicating before the events, and continue long after it. It would also serve as a point of interaction between speakers and attendees.
  • A wiki capturing the essential learning outcomes from an event. The wiki is a source of additional advertising opportunities.
  • A virtual space where sponsors could mount semi-permanent exhibitions in relation to the event and where people who can't make the dates or won't travel can attend as avatars.
  • Continuity between annual conferences so that the business side of the who and what of the subject continue possibly as a social network.

The possibilities are powerful and were highlighted as long ago as 2005 by analyst Robin Good. Progress has been slow though. Any idea why?